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The Macintosh marketed as Mac, is a series of personal computers (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. It is targeted mainly at the home, education, and creative professional markets.
Steve Jobs introduced the Macintosh 128k on January 24, 1984. This was the first mass-marketed personal computer featuring a graphical user interface and mouse. The 128 was followed by numerous updated models also based on the Motorola 68000 family processors, producing a family of products in the Macintosh lineup. Although the aggressively priced IBM Personal Computer (PC) soon overtook Apple in sales, Macintosh systems found success in education and desktop publishing and kept Apple as the second-largest PC manufacturer until 1994 when it was overtaken by Compaq.
By 1990 onwards, improvements in the rival Wintel (portmanteau of Wndows and Intel) platform, notably with the introduction of Windows 3.0, gradually took market share from the more expensive Macintosh systems. The performance advantage of 68000-based Macintosh systems was windswept by Intel's Pentium, and starting in 1994 the Macintosh started a move to the PowerPC-based Power Macintosh line. Nonetheless, the falling prices of PC components and the release of Windows 95 caused Apple to struggle as the Macintosh user base declined. In 1998, Apple consolidated its multiple consumer-level desktop models into the all-in-one iMac, which proved to be a sales success and saw the brand energized.
Another switch occurred with Apple's transition to Intel processors starting in 2006. The Mac lineup is now entirely based on these processors and related systems. Modern members of the Mac family are broken into two groups, desktops and laptops. Current members of the desktop lineup include the all-in-one iMac, entry-level Mac mini, and the Mac Pro tower graphics workstation, while the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro make up the laptop offerings. Its Xserve server was discontinued on January 31, 2011. Production of the Mac is based on a vertical integration model. In Apple facilitates all features of its hardware and creates its own operating system that is pre-installed on all Mac computers, unlike most IBM PC compatibles, where multiple sellers create and integrate hardware intended to run another company's operating software. Apple exclusively produces Mac hardware, choosing internal systems, designs, and prices. Apple also develops the operating system for the Mac, currently OS X version 10.9 "Mavericks". The modern Mac, like other personal computers, is capable of running alternative operating systems such as Linux, OpenBSD, and, in the case of Intel-based Macs, Microsoft Windows with the aid of Boot Camp. Apple does not license OS X for use on non-Apple computers, though it did for a short time through their official Macintosh clone licensing program from 1995 to 1997.






Breaking News! I just found out that Apple sued Microsoft Corp. and the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) because they had high-resolution screen displays on their desktops just like the Macintosh's. Apple has said that they have violated Macintosh copyrights user interface screen displays. I think otherwise because alot of companys should have the right to have high-quality products. I guess Apple really wanted to be a loner back then. More Breaking News! I made a new cartoon! You can watch it if you click here. Or, you can just simply scroll up. Even more Breaking News! Apple has also sued Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. You can see why on the Huffington Post if you click here. You can see the lawsuit between Apple,Microsoft and HP if you click here.

Remember to check back everyday to see if there are any new pages added! And this was actually for a project just to tell you guys!

1. Steve Jobs' favorite fruit is an apple.


2.Apple makes their employees work on fake projects until they can be trusted.


3.The computer chip that powers the iPhone is apperantly made by Samsung, according to technical intelligance experts who analyzed the chip with an electron microscope.


4.If you or someone you know has a jailbroken iOS device, they probably know about Cydia. Cydia is also the name for an Apple worm.


5.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked at the Hewlett-Packard Company before they founded Apple Computer Inc.(now Apple Inc.)


6.Steve Jobs was not only a co-founder of Apple, he is also The Walt Disney Company's biggest share-holder with 7% in stocks.


7. Apple is currently worth $650 billion. In 2010,they were worth $50 billion.


8. The name Macintosh was inspired by a sticker on an apple.


9.In 2001, Steve Jobs resigned from Apple to fight his cancer.


10. Apple was started in a bedroom on April 1st, 1976.



Please note that I did all the work myself and did not copy and paste. Also note that the site members feature is now removed. If you had an account, sorry for the inconvience! But, you can now comment and say what you like or want me to add or change! Note: when you click Go to Link in the slide show, it takes you to the Apple website. Also,I do not have a mobile optimized veiw of my website.And I don't have any captions on the pictures because a picture is woth 1,000 words and If I put too much writing, it will not be as efficant.  

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